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Home Up Lobster Traps

We met some characters on the way back.  This guy was in the chase hy-rail coming back from Sydney.  A.L. gave him the old rail schedule.


On the way back through Orangedale, this young lady was the main attraction.  She was maybe 17.  Her dad apparently owns a logging company and her job is to load the rail cars.  She was up there spinning around the entire time we were stopped here.  I did run around the corner to a little general store and get a sandwich.  The place literally had everything - washers and dryers, rockers, boots, snowmobile parts, canned goods and a deli.  There was a wood stove inside that I could swear was venting right back into the place. 


This old rail hand road down in the CB&CNSRR hy-rail to Port Hawkesbury.  he shown me how the rail repair machines worked and told me some stories of working on the railroad from way back.  


The big guy in the middle was the nicest guy.  This was his first trip and he had two other guys in a questionable speeder with him.  In the end, they drove Arthur and Jon back to Boston - all night in an the back part of the pick-up cab.  



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